As the autumn nights draw in and we look at our budgets, we can often overlook the importance of good nutrition.
We believe that quality nutrition should be for everyone. Now, not only does health equal wealth but feeling your best can help you cope better with all the other areas of your life.
Many in the wellness industry focus on expensive ‘superfoods’, but good nutrition does not mean breaking splurging your funds. Much like our premium multi-nutrient supplements, we aim to provide quality nutrition at a reasonable price.
Here are some top nutrition tips without breaking the bank:
This is a nutritional, secret weapon that is so good for us. This is because lentils contain both high levels of protein and fibre. Lentils can also count towards your five-a-day.
Lentils require no pre-soaking and can be cooked in as little as 10mins (saving on your gas, too!). Lentils come in different varieties, such as red, green, brown, white, beluga etc. And they represent great nutritional value at a low cost.
For those looking to cut back on their meat consumption, lentils are the perfect substitution for a Bolognese, moussaka, stew or soup recipe. They can be more nutritious and filling. Yum!
Buy vegetables in season.
We all know to eat plenty of veggies in our diet, but they are often seen as the more expensive option when compared to processed food. The alternative is to buy your vegetables in season. This way, you'll get the most value out of your vegetables.
Autumn is the time for our local British vegetables like:
- Carrots
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Leafy greens
- Beetroot
- Parsnips
- Courgette
- Onions
- Squash and pumpkins
- Red cabbage
- Potatoes
- Leeks
- Onions
Buy frozen.
We may be contradicting ourselves, but hear us out! The frozen option is best when shopping for out-of-season vegetables or those with a shorter shelf life. Its nutritional value is often locked in when it is quick frozen close to the source. For example, frozen out-of-season peppers and blueberries can be considerably cheaper than fresh ones. They can also have more antioxidants as they will be fresher when travelling fewer air miles.
Avoid processed foods.
These are the most expensive foods to buy. They present themselves as packed with nutrients to trick consumers into thinking they are good value for money. The opposite is often true; they are more expensive with less nutritional value.
Cook clever.
There has been a lot of attention on more energy-efficient appliances such as air fryers and slow cookers. However, if you don't have these, you can still improve your cooking energy efficiency and get the most out of your food:
- Steam fry: oil has seen some of the highest inflation, and yet they are not the healthiest way to cook. Steam fry by starting off with a little bit of fat. Then at high heat, add splashes of water that will instantly turn to steam. This method will cook the food and prevent it from sticking to the pan. The high heat will still give you natural caramelisation of the food without the need for unhealthy or expensive fats.
- Batch your oven cooking: make the most out of your oven cooking! For example, if you are cooking a Sunday roast or a casserole;
- Make sure there is enough for at least 2 meals.
- Then fill up the other oven shelves with batched veggies for the week - these can be reheated quickly and cheaply to have with other meals or turned into quick soup in the blender.
- Maybe bake off some jacket sweet potatoes for a quick supper.
- Put lids on your pans: When you're cooking, this can considerably reduce your cost.